In probabilistic inference, we want to place distributions on groups of variables. In general, these distributions are not arbitrary, but have structure that we can exploit for statistical and computational efficiency. (This is a statement about nature: most processes we are interested in modeling are simple in particular ways.) “Structure” here means conditional independence. A graphical model is a compact way of representing a family of distributions that all make the same conditional independence assumptions.
Suppose we have a description of the process that generates our data: that is, we start by drawing some set of base variables from a prior distribution, then draw some more variables conditioned on those, until we eventually produce our observations. This is an directed graphical model: we draw it as a DAG, and its edges explicitly model the causal process behind the observations.
Also known as Bayes nets.
What if we don’t have a complete picture of the way in which our data was created, but nevertheless have some kind of local information about the way in which variables are related? Canonical example: the Ising lattice.
In these graphs, scores (not necessarily probabilities!) are defined on max cliques rather than children and their parents. These scores are nonnegative, but otherwise arbitrary.
Where directed models are motivated by a description of a generative process, but happen to admit efficient independence queries, undirected models are usually motivated directly by their conditional independence semantics—it’s easy to see that any pair of nodes is made independent by conditioning on any separator set.
Also known as Markov random fields.
The “Bayes ball” algorithm. We have three canonical graphs on three nodes, a chain, a shared cause, and a V-structure.
In the chain, the first and last nodes are dependent unless the middle node is observed.
In the shared cause, the two results are dependent unless the cause is observed.
In the V-structure, the two causes are independent unless the result is observed.
Because conditional dependence is transitive, this gives rise to a simple algorithm for testing whether two nodes are conditionally dependent: they are if there is any path between them which decomposes along pairs of dependent nodes matching the templates above.
As mentioned above, this is trivial—remove from the graph the nodes we’re conditioning on, and look for a path. The minimal set of nodes which makes a variable independent from the rest of the graph is called the Markov blanket.
For generality, we’re working with a factor graph. We want to compute arbitrary conditional probabilities (for now only over single variables). How to do this? Note that we can “sum” any variable out of the graph by pushing it into all the factors that touch it; this will cause all adjacent edges to be joined by a single giant factor. To create this factor, we just sum over all settings of all adjacent variables; the entry in the resulting table is the product of all previous scores associated with that setting. Do this repeatedly until only the query and conditioning are left, then eliminate the query to get the denominator.
Assume for a moment that our factor graph is a tree. Then, when eliminating a node whose parent (unique, because this is a tree) is , the resulting factor has a predictable form:
If we choose the node we want to query as the root, this defines a dynamic program that gives us desired marginals without explicitly altering the structure of the graph. It also makes it clear that we can get joint (conditional) distributions over simply connected sets of nodes, by passing eliminating only nodes on the periphery.
It’s easy to see that once we’ve computed all of these messages towards the root, we can compute the corresponding message in the opposite direction along every edge in the graph. Thus it’s possible to get marginals for every node with only twice as much work as is required for a single node.
We can also replace the sums with maxes to get the MAP assignment of variables.
Special cases: Viterbi and forward–backward algorithms on HMMs.
What if the graph isn’t a tree? Make it into one! Still in the factor graph view (so we’re not worrying about moralization, etc.), form a tree decomposition of the input graph. Then add potentials corresponding to the separators between each pair of tree nodes. Then looks just like BP, except that we’re summing over blocks that might be non-adjacent in the original graph.
High-level: this is just (stochastic) gradient descent on the OLS error.
A linear regression problem: I have a bunch of examples , and I want to find a predictor minimizing . The gradient of this quantity w.r.t. is . We can either optimize this directly (gradient descent) or one example at a time (SGD).
(The latter has the following interpretation, which Mike seems to really like: is the scalar projection of onto , so we can interpret our prediction as a projection followed by a multiplication by . Suppose we want to move to place it in the set of vectors whose projection gives exactly the right . The prediction error is , so we should add to
[ (y - \theta^\top x) / | x | \cdot x / | x | ] |
More generally, replacing the constant ||x||^{-2} is a step in the right direction, if not to exactly the right place.
More generally, given a parametric model we usually want to find a parameter setting that maximizes the likelihood of the data. (Why? Because the frequentists say so! This minimizes Bayes risk for Hamming loss, but if we’re worried about some other loss function we should actually do some kind of discriminitive training, even if we have a generative model. We can use that objective instead in the following discussion.)
It’s almost never the case that we have an analytic solution to our parameter estimation problem—in these cases we want to use some kind of numerical method to approximate the optimum. (Indeed, even when we have exact solutions, as in linear regression, it’s often faster to approximate than do a bunch of matrix arithmetic.) “Approximate” usually just means follow the gradient. First-order: gradient descent, SGD. Second-order: Newton’s method or quasi-Newton things (BFGS, OWLQN, …). Some other non-gradient options, like branch-and-bound, but these aren’t much used.
I want to find the MLE for in a model of the form , where is not observed—that is, I want . In general this is not a convenient function to work with analytically. The Expectation–Maximization instead maximizes a lower bound to this function that is easier to work with.
First view: EM is an alternating coordinate ascent procedure of the form
Observe that is a lower bound on the real log-likelihood function; in fact, simple arithmetic shows that
In the E step, it’s easy to see that the optimal choice of is precisely —this causes the KL divergence to vanish, making equal to . So the E step really just computes the marginal distribution over .
Then, solving the M step leads to an increase in the lower bound (unless we’re already at an optimum). Because the bound held with equality at the end of the E step, we’re guaranteed an increase in the like
Second view:
Recall that MLE is equivalent to minimizing the KL divergence between the empirical distribution and the model:
Thus we can bound this divergence rather than the likelihood:
Note that the optima of this function for and are the same as before—all we’ve done is add a constant entropy term, and a sum over empirical probabilities equal to one. So we can reinterpret the previous EM algorithm as performing the alternate coodinate descent procedure: