An admissible heuristic underestimates the distance from here to the goal state.
A consistent heuristic underestimates the distance from here to every state.
Easy to prove that an admissible heuristic will always find the shortest path to the goal—for a consistent heuristic, the first time we visit any node, we got there along the shortest path.
Difference from vanilla search: the order in which we assign values to variables doesn’t matter for objective function—still very important for solution procedure.
How do we do this fast? Heuristics specialized for general CSPs. Easy one: “minimum remaining values” or “most constrained variable”—choose a setting for the variable with the least possible settings remaining. Can also sort by degree. Once we’ve picked a variable, assign values to it on least constraining order, that leave other values open.
How do we compute remaining values? Constraint propagation: once we’ve picked a value for a variable, iteratively update remaining constraints along arcs, eliminating assignments allowed by no assignments to their neighbors. This doesn’t give you everything for free (easy counterexample: 2-coloring ) but works well in practice. Higher-order analogs (considering subsets of variables) also possible.
Can design corresponding special procedures for special constraints (all-unique, only-one, etc.).
What do we do once we fail? Don’t need to worry about backtracking one step, since maintaining arc consistency means we’ll never try an assignment which would be fixed by simple backtracking. Conflict-directed backjumping backs of to full set of earlier assignments which caused an inconsistency.
Natural ways to use local search: hill climbing and annealing.
Another easy trick for a full solution: start by taking a tree decomposition, and enumerate solutions to each node locally.
Obviously finding a satisfying solution is NP-hard, and satisfying a fixed fraction of constraints is Unique Games.
Search through the game tree (or just up to a certain depth), keeping track of game value for all players, and maxing for the appropriate player.
pruning is a heuristic which prunes the remaining branches at a node when the node’s value is known to be worse than the best value along an alternate path.
max_val(state, alpha, beta):
if terminal(state):
return utility(state)
best = -inf
for child in state.children:
v = min_val(child, alpha, beta)
best = max(v, best)
if v > beta:
return v # Satan won't allow us to reach this state anyway
alpha = max(v, alpha)
return best
This is PH (for fixed-length games) or PSPACE.
The atomic elements of our universe are propositions, which we can combine with the usual set of logical operators. A model is just an assignment of truth and falsehood to atomic propositions.
Key tool for deriving conclusions: resolution. First encode my whole knowledge base in CNF. Then from pairs of clauses, produce new clauses containing only the literals which don’t disagree.
Easy to prove this way: just derive from . Only finitely many clauses possible, so procedure eventually terminates.
This is hard in general, but certain representations admit easy reasoning. Standard one: Horn clauses of the form . How do we work with these efficiently? Forward chaining: take clauses for which all antecedents have been proved, and add consequent until the desired result is obtained. Backward chaining: try to prove all antecedents of desired consequent (fast with memoization).
Also lots of good ways of doing heuristic forward search, local search to find satisfying models.
Now our atoms are objects, relations and functions; we have the logical operators from PL, but also existential and universal quantification. A model is just an instantiation of all relations and atoms.
Some new rules: any time we have a universal quantification, we can instantiate it explicitly by replacing the variable with some symbol. Any time we have an existential quantification, we can create a new constant (a “Skolem” constant) and replace the variable with that constant. This reduces the inference problem to PL inference, with the caveat that there are now infinitely many possible clauses, so inference is only semidecidable. We can be more sophisticated.
Key tool: unification. Given and , find a substitution for free variables in both such that they become the same. Can do this in linear time.
How do we do forward chaining here? Unification lets us define a generalized modus ponens; apply this immediately.
Backward chaining? Again, has the form of a search problem where we want to repeatedly prove antecedents.
Resolution? First, recall that for FOL it’s incomplete (Gödel!). As preprocessing, move all existential quantification to the outside, all negation onto atoms. Then remove existential quantifiers by Skolemization. Note one subtlety: Skolem constants depend on the variables they’re scoped under—
—so instead we write for the Skolemization. Finally turn everything into CNF. Then find which unifies the two clauses being annihilated, and substitute in everywhere else. Finally, can eliminate pairs of clauses which are not just identical (as in PL case), but unifiable.
Why can’t we just use generic search tools to solve planning? Typically huge branching factor, but also problems that decompose naturally into subproblems, and good general-purpose heuristics.
How to represent a planning domain? STRIPS: state is a conjunction of positive literals (everything else assumed to be negative); actions either add or delete. Goals are conjunctions of positive literals. More general things: relax open-world assmption; allow negatives as well as positives. EVen more general: allow arbitrary first-order preconditions and goals.
How to solve? Either forward search or backwards search. Lots of useful heuristics here: solve a relaxed planning problem (e.g. empty delete list), or assume subgoals are independent and their costs can be summed (this is inadmissible).
Another general strategy for dealing with plans that factor: partial order planning. Here our search space consists of entire plans (DAGs), rather than states; operations for expanding nodes include adding additional edges to plan until every edge has all its preconditions satisfied. With FO planning language, may additionally want to apply action schemas only partially.
Useful way of structuring heuristics: a planning graph. This is a DAG, divided into levels, where level contains all literals that could be true at time , with mutual exclusion links between them. Levels alternate between states and actions. Actions are mutex if they have inconsistent preconditions, inconsistent effects, or if one negates the precondition of the other. Literals are mutex if they are inconsistent, or if every pair of actions which achieves them is mutex.
From this graph we can extract a max-level heuristic (when does the last goal become achievable?), a level-sum heuristic (inadmissible) or a set-level heuristic (when do all of the goals become achievable?). Or we can extract a plan directly from the graph: for plans of increasing length, solve the corresponding planning graph, then treat it as a binary CSP and look for assignments that make it a well-formed solution.
We can treat all of this as a theorem-proving problem: from initial state, want to prove for increasing until we find a goal. Note that state representation needs both things that are true and negations of things that are false. Need axioms of the form
Additionally need
Now just hand it to a SAT solver.
What if we have durations? First find a partial order plan—then easy to schedule things.
Can make things a lot better with hierarchical planning. Define a hierarchical task network—each step decomposes into multiple, more specific steps. Note that if recursive plans are allowed, this strictly generalizes partial-order planning.
What about nondeterminism? A couple of options: sensorless planning (solve the minimax problem) or replan on the fly. Also see POMDP stuff about representation of belief states, etc.